Thursday, August 20, 2009

Truth of the Rainbow

Everything became more real to me when I realized that the rainbow that appears to be a half-circle is actually a full circle. If I would have taken the time to analyze the rainbows' beauty in respect to its relation to the earth, I would have found this. This realization allowed me to come to the conclusion that most of the time I view what's visually interesting or beautiful, only in its own context. I need to investigate what's appealing in the context of the world literally and figuratively. Otherwise, I may never experience that object or subject fully and apply it to my life in its full potential.

Friday, October 31, 2008

A TIME homie and myself have come to a profound maybe ironically meaningless approach to the perceiving of the concept of "art school", but more in the way of how it can be managed by looking down on it from the edge of the cliff of psychotic irony. Maybe it may be beneficial to explore this cliff of psychotic irony. The motto has been formulated based on the indirect teachings of a remarkable but unassuming instructor. It is as follows:

Embrace the hardships...

Seek kinships...
